Anise (Pimpinella Anisum)


The essential oil is extracted by steam distillation of the seeds.

Anise Essential Oil relieves cramps and stimulates digestion.

Massages may be helpful for stomach discomfort or abdominal cramps especially when caused by nervous tension. Use one tablespoon of carrier oil mixed with 5 drops of anise essential oil.

Anise helps flush the system and is a good expectorant. For coughs and excessive phlegm in the chest use anise essential oil mixed in honey as a syrup.

Severe sneezing may be reduced when 5 drops of anise oil is mixed with one tablespoon of almond oil and rubbed into the upper neck region.

A mixture of anise essential oil, caraway seed, fennel and coriander oils are an effective remedy for flatulence, used as a massage oil or taken orally ( 2 drops twice daily).

Anise benefits people with impotence or frigidity.

For sweet dreams, anise essential oil may be used in an aroma lamp mixed with chamomile, neroli and lemon balm.

The oil of anise has been used for the treatment of lice, scabies, and psoriasis.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The information presented here is for educational purposes of traditional uses. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Caution: Anise in high doses may cause allergic reactions of the skin, respiratory tract, and GI tract. Therefore, do not exceed the recommended dosage. Aniseed is a reputed abortifacient. Excessive use is not recommended in pregnancy.


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1/2 oz, 1 oz, 2 oz