Coriander Seed (Coriandrum Sativum)


Coriander Seed Essential Oil is extracted from the crushed ripe seeds  of Coriandrum sativum by steam distillation.  It offers a very warm and spicy aroma.

It is treating muscular aches, rheumatic pain and arthritis pain.

It has an overall warming effect on the organic system, stimulates digestion, circulation and enzyme secretion. It relieves wind and cramps, while revitalizing the glandular system.

It flushes out toxins, thereby acting like a natural chelation treatment. It is potent against Salmonella bacteria. Some scientists find it effective against 12 species of lethal bacterias.  It can be used to treat food poisoning.

The oil strengthens the respiratory and excretory system.

The therapeutic properties include protection against urinary tract infections.

It acts on the brain and nervous system thereby fighting depression and anxiety.

In aromatherapy using a diffuser,  coriander oil stimulates the mind and eases fatigue, lethargy, mental exhaustion and weariness.  It assists with eating disorders and improves appetite.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The information presented here is for educational purposes of traditional uses. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Caution:    No contra-indications are known, but the oil can have a stupefying effect when used in very large doses.


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1/2 oz, 1 oz, 2 oz